Swinging a heavy club is the only dynamic weight training modality that emphasizes and maximizes rotational strength training.
These movements can not be effectively replicated with a barbell or with a dumbbell, although a kettlebell will offer very limited utility for this type of training, meaning that the heavy clubbell weight training tool occupies its own functional “niche”, standing “head and shoulders” above the rest.
Wildman clubbell Training Programs
The Basis of Strength
2 Handed Club Program
SWINGING STRENGTH A more efficient path for new and advanced athletes to develop Herculean strength through dynamic, rotational training.
No other clubbell training program on the market today is designed to be as flexible, affordable and expandable. Realize years of training with this massive program.
These regimen is focused on making you “better at being human.”
Mark recognizes that it takes more than six weeks of “vanity” training to accomplish that goal.
Mark’s work at a global, cross-disciplinary scale, is distilled into easy-to-use instruction, including info about how to structure an alternating training schedule to help you streamline your training time, for the ultimate in efficient, world-class instruction.