Slamball programs

Why Slamball?

develop a truly Atlas physique.

Slamballs are like no other workout. 

Restore your natural human range of movement and develop a truly Atlas physique. Train like the heroes of old with this primal, practical approach to fitness.

Training Programs

Expand athleticism with a diversity of movement

Slamball Program

Benefit from basic mechanics that govern not just athletic movement but ALL human dynamics. 

Expand athleticism with diversity of movement that targets the posterior chain musculature,  and use the ensuing athletic base to build expertise across disciplines.

More than a 6 week program

These regimen is focused on making you “better at being human.”

Mark recognizes that it takes more than six weeks of “vanity” training to accomplish that goal.

Mark’s work at a global, cross-disciplinary scale, is distilled into easy-to-use instruction, including info about how to structure an alternating training schedule to help you streamline your training time, for the ultimate in efficient, world-class instruction.

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