KettleBell programs

Why KettleBells?

Superior Endurance weight lifting

Kettlebells are unique because of their design, which marries great functional resistance training with convenient design, in an affordable and portable package that can be used anywhere.

Kettlebells facilitate superior endurance weight lifting, compared with any other weight training tool, and can be moved in more directions than barbells or dumbbells so they can have a greater athletic training benefit, in far less time.

Kettlebell Training Programs

Get Good At The Basics

Intro To KettleBells

Start here: Learn to safely swing and properly handle a kettlebell so you can move to more advance training.

Once the fundamentals are ingrained in your mind & body, there are almost an infinite number of exercises you can do throughout your lifetime.

Build your base

SWING Program

Most people don’t train the muscles they can’t see. 

When we work the rear posterior chain (back, glutes, hamstrings), we’re activating the core from all sides.

If you have pain from being “chair-shaped,” this program strengthens and rehabilitates the body to function correctly so you can move to more advanced training. 

Real world strength

Clean and Press

Learn to pick up heavy objects and press them overhead.

Building from the Hip/Hinge Swing program, rapidly improve both the strength of the rear posterior chain musculature and the single-arm-press.

Improving the anatomical structure supporting your posture is a major factor in preventing and limiting injury.

Lighter weights / smaller Frames

Clean and Press RELOADED

 A derivative of the Clean and Press Program for athletes that have completed the Clean & Press Program and do not have access to heavier weights, or want to maintain a more “slender” size.

This program introduces complexity to work on additional movements with an athletes existing weights.

Rock solid core

Turkish Get-Up Master Class

When life gets you down…Get-Up.

This TGU Master Class gives you the tools to get up, stay up and keep moving, no matter what life throws at you. The pinnacle of kettlebell training.

More than a 6 week program

These regimen is focused on making you “better at being human.”

Mark recognizes that it takes more than six weeks of “vanity” training to accomplish that goal.

Mark’s work at a global, cross-disciplinary scale, is distilled into easy-to-use instruction, including info about how to structure an alternating training schedule to help you streamline your training time, for the ultimate in efficient, world-class instruction.

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